With Troy and Behn of Payten & Jones
WORDS Lindy Schneider | PHOTOGRAPHY Hugh Davison
Healesville High School mates Behn (the Payten) and Troy (the Jones) of Payten & Jones started with nothing and jokingly predict they will probably end up with much the same. “We’re just a couple of guys trying to create the life we want to live, and make the wines we want to drink,” says Troy.
They learnt the basics from respected professionals among the Healesville community where they developed an instinct for what people like to drink and why. Behn was a production wine maker at Punt Road Winery for many years, before mastering distilling at Four Pillars Gin. He has also spent many vintages overseas. Troy worked in high calibre venues such as the Healesville Hotel and Innocent Bystander/Giant Steps, and was part of the team that launched Four Pillars Distillery. With the support of a likeminded community, they’ve evolved along the way, with a sense of fun and a healthy disregard for pretentious rules.
To read the whole article, get your copy of #51 Spring 2022 here.