Warburton author Jo Rothwell has been creating iconic children’s books for over 15 years. Beginning with My Warburton Adventure, a book inspired by Jo’s son, Harry, when he was a little boy, she has now written and published 16 books, and produces cards, calendars and other merchandise celebrating the beautiful ink and watercolour illustrations painted by her husband, Bryce.
During the challenges of COVID-19, Jo was also busy completing her latest book in Rothwell Publishing’s One Yelpy Kelpie series, One Yelpy Kelpie in the Great Western Plains Adventure, released for general sale in October 2020. Never one to opt for an easy life, Jo was simultaneously developing an idea sparked by another inspirational woman living thousands of kilometres away in France. With her love of travel, Europe and quirky interiors, this latest project combined some of Jo’s passions with a clear purpose; the story of Aloysius the Ram at Château de Lalande was born.
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