WORDS Pip Young | PHOTOGRAPHY Hugh Davison

Since moving to Healesville at the beginning of 2022, Yarra Magazine has built a wonderful relationship with local printer, Breen Printing, and found they really do offer something special to their community. Kirsty and Luke Woodhead took over the business from Kirsty’s parents, Merinda and Derek Jones, during the pandemic – a courageous move, reflecting the couple’s drive and determination to honour the longstanding business, originally founded by Peter Breen in 1973. The Jones’s bought the business in 1985 which meant that Kirsty was raised surrounded by all things print, and Breen feels like home to her. She has seen many changes, both in terms of design and technology. Her passion is unwavering, and with Luke now fully on board in the family business, the pair have unique skill sets that beautifully complement each other. They, along with loyal staff, form a formidable team to take Breen Printing through to the next chapter.

Luke and Kirsty have both grown up in the Yarra Valley; Luke in Warburton and Kirsty in Healesville. They met through mutual friends at Mount Lilydale Mercy College. Kirsty grew up in and around the site and officially began her apprenticeship in graphic prepress while working in the family business. She absolutely knows every aspect and detail of the print process. Luke worked in the plastic card printing world and managed a multinational portfolio at Placard, so he also brings a wealth of experience and knowledge to Breen. The couple laughed as they described their relationship – Luke as the pragmatic influence and Kirsty as the creative visionary.

To read the full article, se issue 54 Winter 2023 here.